Oh this weekend. Shit was pretty non-stop, but I didn't hate it. That's one thing I love about exercising regularly, my energy levels are typically through the roof, at least in the mornings! Friday night the hubs and I rented
The Heat and had spaghetti and meatballs (his request, and those meatballs turned out freakin delicious) and
drank chugged some wine. What? We were thirsty! At least we shared it, going solo on a bottle of wine makes me feel like a hundred dollars the next morning. Sharing is caring, and I'm sure that's what he was doing when he drank half, soaking up my hangover. I love that man.

Saturday morning he hunted and I (GASP) went to the gym! I haven't worked out on a weekend in a long time, but wow I missed it! It's so nice not to be in a rush, yeah it's a little more crowded than my usual 5am weekday sessions, but it's some solid people watching and I broke a damn good sweat. I came home and we cooked breakfast together, he had corned beef hash (I think it smells like cat food) and I did some experimenting. I went for shredded sweet potatoes, turkey sausage and a runny egg. It was pretty damn good and I had leftovers that I ate for breakfast this morning. Not too shabby! The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping (for brunch the next day) and having dinner and playing cards at a friend's house down the street. I prepped a
super healthy tasty and easy
french toast casserole and let that bitch soak overnight. I'm not much of a baker, so I was down with the level of measuring required. I skipped the raisins/crans and I used whole milk, not half and half as suggested…my conscience was like, "No Tara, don't do it, no matter how delicious it sounds!"

The next morning we got up, did a sweet miracle clean (you know what I'm talking about) while trying to get rid of our hangovers. Then I started cooking my little ass off. The hardest thing for me is to get everything to come together at the same time (twss). I'll proudly say I didn't fail at that this time around and my mom enjoyed her bday brunch (as well as several mimosas). She also called me out for throwing her under the bus and saying I inherited her sailor mouth and claimed that she only says, "Coño (for you spanish speakers), fuck and shit! The rest you got from your dad!" she argued. Ok mom. Fuck it. Let's call it an even split. Also, I fucking love you and I wasn't bullshitting when I said you're my best friend (she called me out on that too).

Finally, my weekend ended with the brilliant decision to attend a concert on a Sunday night. My friend Melissa is slightly infatuated with David Nail and now I know why. We met up, had dinner and a couple drinks, then went and watched that sexy man sing some songs while wearing some super snug pants that aren't accurately represented in the pictures I will gladly post below. Yeah, I got home at like midnight. Yeah, I was exhausted this morning when I got up. But it was way worth it for some quality time and loads of laughs with a good friend and that beats sleep any day of the week!
I totally failed on my meal prepping for the week because I was too busy having fun, but whipped together some turkey sausage and an egg for lunch today and paired it with some leftover fruit salad from brunch. Fake it til you make it, right? And tonight after work, I'll make my lunches for the rest of the week. Please give me shit if I don't, k thanks.
Happy Monday! What's gonna help make your week a healthy one?