Monday, July 1, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack

So I've been MIA for a couple weeks, work/life took over for a minute.  I was in San Francisco for a week (for work) and apparently part of my job there was to eat everything in sight.  While I did get up and exercise 4 out of the 6 mornings I was there, somehow that wasn't enough to offset the constant intake of tasty food and Starbucks.  Yeah, that's right, I'm back on the coffee wagon.  My mama didn't raise no quitter.

It was no surprise that I had gained a few pounds when I got back.  And being out of my routine has me pretty unmotivated.  People aren't kidding that the last 10-15 lbs are the hardest to lose.  Where does all that motivation go?  This time last year I was 40 lbs heavier and quite unhappy with myself for a multitude of reasons.  But back then I was able to find the motivation to push myself.  Not sure sure where that motivation is now.  I certainly can't stumble upon Mama Laughlin's blog again and make it have the same effect it did on me the first time around.  And I'm too far from all those fuckin badass crossfit chicks to think their bodies are attainable for me.  I may or may not have recently watched that scene from The Break Up where my biggest girl crush of all time Jennifer Aniston does the naked soda walk and thought to myself, I wanna do a naked soda walk!  I also may have sent it to a friend so someone could confirm the hotness.  Maybe if I watch that a solid 25 times I'll be motivated to look like her when she walks away?  Ok I'll take one for the team and test my theory.

Looks like I need to take some time to find some inspiration and motivation to keep going and reach my goals.  I have a lot of amazingly motivated people surrounding me, now I just need to steal a little motivation from each of them and keep it for myself, muahahaha.  But seriously, I need to find it again because I'm feeling shitty.  Due to my shitty feeling, I have absolutely no motivating pictures to post so I'm thinking this quote and some pictures from my trip will have to suffice.

"Instead of making up excuses for why something is impossible, it's far better to come up with reasons why it could be possible. One reason why is more powerful than all the reasons why not."

 Happy Monday!



  1. You're back! Happy, happy, joy, joy! DON'T let this unmotivated feeling get you down. MamaL and SkinnyMeg both posted this morning about getting back on the wagon. You've got this!

  2. I missed you!! Don't get down... you look amazing and you'll be back in the swing of things before you know it! :)
