Monday, August 26, 2013

Meathead Monday

For starters I'd like to introduce Meathead Monday. Lemme give you a little weekend recap and then we'll get down to business.

Solid weekend! Spent Saturday on a relaxing with a buzz canoeing with Ben, just the two of us. It was pretty damn awesome. I ended up catching a big ol' bass and had a smile plastered on my face for the majority of the day. It was the most perfect weather! We're hoping to do the same thing next weekend, so much so that our canoe is still on the truck. Haha I swear it's not because I didn't wanna help Ben unload it...

The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing. Dinner with new friends and a couple beers with old ones. I will politely point out that grocery shopping post patio beers will make you forgetful as hell. There's a shopping cart somewhere with a case of bottled water still on the bottom. If you find it, let me know, I paid like $5 for that sumbitch. Shit.

So I'm trying a little something I'd like to call Meathead Monday.  I'm sure my weekend adventures are incredibly entertaining, but this'll give me a way to challenge myself and be held accountable.  In the past I did Weigh-in Wednesday, but since the scale hasn't moved I don't really wanna play with it anymore.  Instead I'll take Monday as an opportunity to share something super meatheady.  This week, PROTEIN.  Today, and the rest of this week, I will be eating a shit ton of protein.  I'm already off to a decent start this morning and the rest of the day's looking pretty promising.

First, I destroyed my little biceps at the gym.  I woke up a little late and yelled at Ben for not waking me up sooner (relax, I already apologized).  I went to the gym all in a rage and did a teensy bit of cardio followed by the bicep exercises below:

30lb barbell - 10 reps x3
20lb barbell - 10 reps x3
10lb dumbells - hammer curls - 10 reps x3
24lb pulley - 10 reps x3

Then, I got home and did something I rarely do.  I cooked breakfast.  By some kind of miracle I still got to work on time.  Then I packed my lunch and did some math so I could add up my protein #'s for the day.  Today I have consumed, or will consume, the following:

• 2 egg whites
• 1 strip turkey bacon
• 1 cup spinach
• 1 cup 2% milk
22g of protein

• 1 tilapia filet
• 1 small chobani yogurt
30g of protein

• 1 small chobani yogurt
7g of protein

• 2 grilled chicken drumsticks  (no skin)
• 2 servings of fresh mozzarella
50g of protein

109 total grams of protein ain't too shabby!  A good question is How Much Protein Do Women Really Need? and after doing the math it looks like I should be around 90.  So I'm pretty good to go.  I'm curious to see how a protein increase affects my hunger and energy levels for the day.  I'm hoping to go for a run this evening and a few other nights this week!

Luckily my roommate totally fits this description.

Tomorrow I'm gonna annihilate my triceps so that I look extra good in a tank top for dinner with my girl crush one of the nicest people I know!  Yeah, that's right, I may have already picked out my outfit.  Don't judge me!!

Do you have a fitness challenge for yourself this week?  Tell me about it!


  1. Hey Tara! Read your post, and thought I'd comment :) Personally, I have found that upping my fats and protein has seriously negated my's crazy. I'm not hungry in between meals, and I hardly think about food when it's not time to eat. It has been a god send

  2. I need a canoe! That looks like so much fun and so relaxing!
