Friday, February 1, 2013

Bring it Twenty Thirteen

So I finally grew a pair and started a blog. Someone fucking dared me.

That right there lets me cross off one of my 2013 goals! Let me walk you through the rest of em.

1. Reach my goal weight (range) of 130-140.
There are no words to tell you how stupid excited I would be if I could get there, srrously. It would be fucking amazing. My starting weight was definitely creeping up on 2 bills.


2. Get pregnant.
Yes, captain obvious, I'm aware that this directly opposes my desire to lose weight. But since I started my journey I feel WAY better equipped to get myself back in shape post-kid.

3. Wear heels and look sexy.
If you follow me on instagram you might already know this little fact about me.  You know those adorable slimy baby horses that shoot out and are expected to walk right away?! Yeah, that's what I most closely resemble in high heels. I wonder if it's because I grew up as a tomboy or if it's because I have flat feet? Or maybe it's because I've been overweight? Or maybe, just maybe I SUCK at heels. Anyway, I wanna rock a pair of heels like it's nobody's business and preferably not injure myself.

4. Be fucking confident.
Because being regular confident isn't good enough. I've already noticed a huge boost in confidence after losing some weight. But since I was pretty far down I'd venture to say I cold use another boost.  I wanna be the one that doesn't say no when asked to do something.  I wanna give my comfort zone the middle finger and try some shit.  Apparently, someone daring me is quite helpful.

5. Make new friends.
I read this friendship book last year and found it pretty interesting.  It made me realize how damn hard it is to make new friends at the awkward age of 28.  I'm married, I don't have kids, I don't reeeally go out to the bar that much anymore.  Let me just tell you, that shit is A LOT like dating. "You're sitting there, you're wondering do I have food on my face, am I eating, am I talking too much, are they talking enough, am I interested I'm not really interested, should I play like I'm interested but I'm not that interested but I think she might be interested but do I want to be interested but now she's not interested?"  Point being, it'd be nice to find some like (dirty) minded individuals to spend some time with.  It takes some effort and I'm willing and ready to put that time in!  

To give you a little background on who the hell you're reading about: My name is Tara.  I'm 28.  I'm married to a handsome and loving country boy that has an affinity for trucks and camo.  I have two dogs that I spoil to no end.  I'll do anything for my friends and family, they're my world.  I like beef jerky, colored pants, Blue Moon, boots and enjoy making people laugh.  My biggest weight loss goal is for my stomach not to jiggle when I brush my teeth.


  1. FIRST! Great Start! Can't wait to see where it goes from here

  2. Yay!! Great post!!
    And love that last pic of you! Looking good girl!

  3. Lurve it and you too! Welcome to the addiction that is blogging. xo

  4. I saw your guest post on the amazing Nancy Clues blog and it made me snort giggle enough to come check you out on your home blog! I'll definitely be following as I'm in the same boat of trying to hit MILF status before I get pregnant! Thanks for taking the dare!

  5. Love the post... Finding friends at this age is a lot like dating.. Good luck girl!

  6. I also came here from Nancy Clue's page. From what I've read so far, you are hilarious! The pants story was a classic.

  7. Im visiting from Nancy Clue as well, welcome to blogging!
    Excited to keep reading, I am working on losing about 30 pounds myself to prep for babymaking. Looking forward to losing along side you :)

  8. I am hear from Nancy Clue's page!

    I am loving your blog so far! Keep it up :)

    I always wanted to lose weight before I had kids and never did. Good luck to you!

  9. Your blog is hilarious! I just started my own blog, check it out - Good luck on your 2013 goals!

  10. I just found your blog today and am loving it as I am on the fatter/beginning end of my weight loss journey. This is random, but I wanted to tell you I think you'd look good with a nose ring, because I was scrolling down your post, and a fleck of something was on my screen. It looked like a nose ring in your picture at first, and it looked good on you. You're welcome :-)
