Thursday, February 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday + Why I'm a Sunglass Snob

A little throwback on this sleep deprived Thursday.  I stayed up far too late on a Skype and my abs hurt from laughing.  Thanks a lot Lindsey!

Ok, so I grew up a HUGE tomboy.  I'm talking people would say, "Your sons are so handsome!" to my mom (I have 1 brother).  At the time I didn't see anything wrong with it, nowadays I laugh it off and stare in utter horror and fascination at the pictures from that era.  I guess I thought it was cool for my gender to be anonymous to fit in with the guys. 

I was enormous for my age, I played soccer and basketball, I got some sweet fuckin glasses when I entered 3rd grade, I cut my curly hair short because I didn't know what to do with it and I was a bit of an huge asshole.  I got in fights a lot, spent a lot of time in the principal's office and said a lot of mean things.  Looking back it's obvious that I just spent like 5-8 years of my life being angry at my choice in haircut.

Without further ado…I present to you, Tara circa 1993.  Try not to shit yourself at how much I look like a lesbian at such a young age amazing I look.

Seriously. What. The. Fuck.

So naturally by the time I was in my mid 20's I was fed the hell up with the years and years glasses and sports goggles (yep, that happened) and contacts and everything that surrounded them.  I ended up getting lasik and it was the best money I ever spent!  Unfortunately it sent me into a downward spiral where I became addicted to expensive sunglasses.  Ok ok so it's not an addiction but I do like having a few pairs in rotation at a time and am constantly on the lookout for new ones to buy when my husband isn't paying attention obsess over.

That fro? Ain't nobody got time for that.
Thirsty Thursday!  I don't drink during the week but I sure am a sucker for alliteration.  Sonofabitch I'm thirsty.


  1. I love your hair, now =) Seriously, where were our parents when we were sportin' these redonkulous styles? I promise to tell my kids when they look stupid! ... Mine were probably sitting in a corner laughing - "can't believe she is actually going out in public like that, at least we don't have to worry about her "hookin' up", no guy would come within 10 feet of something like looks like that!" - jerks! Oh well, whaddayagonnado?

  2. Hey girl! And you continue to crack me up. Was anyone really cool in their younger days? Oh, people were? I wasn't. I think I had the same pair of large round eyeglasses :)

    When it comes to sunglasses, sorry but I don't share your love for the nice kind. I am always sitting on them, stepping on them, otherwise breaking them or losing them so I stick with $15 or under. Of course I currently have a $10 pair that have lasted the past year, but you know as soon as I buy a nice pair of Chanel's then they will be gone the next day. That's how it works!

  3. I'm still chuckling at the lesbian comment, so funny. You need to check out my high school senior picture, I'll IG it for you. I still don't know how I managed to get a boyfriend that year.

  4. I totally rocked the sport goggles too! I played softball (big shocker with my lesbian tendencies and all, I know) and was the catcher. You can't wear regular glasses under a catcher's mask... so hello sport goggles. Loved this post! And you are welcome for the late night ab workout! Holla!
