Wednesday, February 27, 2013

WIW + The Difference a Year Makes

Ahhhh Weigh in Wednesday!  This has become my 2nd favorite weekday.  Friday will always be in 1st place due to its high alcohol content!

So, not to toot my own horn or anything (ok I'm tooting) but I feel really fucking good about this past week.  Last week's gain due to being sick really lit a fire under my ass.  Since last Wednesday I didn't miss a single day at the gym – even went on Saturday AND Sunday, which I never do!  I did my usual two-a-day workouts on Monday and Tuesday and I'm happy to say that I made the scale my bitch this week.  Down 3.5 lbs!  Typically that would horrify me, too much too much, but I worked my ass off and I didn't indulge in wild animal meats last Saturday (tempting, I know).  That brings my Biggest Loser Contest total to -10.8 lbs, since January 9th.
155.  Holy shit.  That's down 30 lbs since I grew a big enough pair of balls to step on a scale last year.  In case you're not good at math, I tipped the scales at 185 last Summer.  I'm convinced I was closer to 200 but the scale was way too horrifying at that point.

What a difference a year makes.  This time last year I was stressing the hell out, dealing with dog surgeries, a new job that I felt like I looked frumpy for EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  I was not even close to being in a happy place and I can't imagine what would have happened if I kept going down that unhappy road.  Worrying my (fat) ass off about every little thing, trying to control every aspect of my life and other people's.  I was eating and drinking with reckless abandon and not caring about how it affected my body.  Not caring about the way I looked to the extent where people that cared about me made comments.
Left: I had just finished a piece of cake. Right: I found my jaw bone!
I wonder where I'll be at this point in time next year.  It's such a good feeling to have no idea and be perfectly ok with it!  Ok ok I'm done blowing sunshine up your ass.  Happy hump day!  Only 2ish more days til Friday and I will be TGIF'ing my ass off.  Saturday consists of a wine tour day and a big city bachelorette party (<-- not my style).  I'll be instagramming the shit out of my weekend, so follow a bitch.  I also have an outfit planned for Saturday that the hubs said, "Dang. Those look painted on. You get a running start to get in those things?"  Stay tuned.
Outfit of the day!

Happy hump day!


  1. WAY TO GO!!! That is freaking awesome! You are going to inspire SO many people!! You look amazing!!

  2. You rock Tara!!!
    Hard work really does pay off! Keep kicking ass girl!

  3. That's awesome! High five on the weight loss and the hella work you did to get there !

  4. Congrats to you lady!! You really look great!

  5. Wow!! Very inspiring Tara!!
    Go girl!!

  6. Hell to the yes!! 3.5 fricking lbs in a week! STFU!

  7. Woohoo on the 30lb loss! Amazing job and you look great! There is such a difference in the way your face looks, thinner and healthier.

  8. You look great! Yous don't even look like the same person!!
