Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Minus Ten

Ok ok, so I lied. I think I'm going to keep up weigh in Wednesday. Not because I'm obsessed with that number, but because it holds me accountable. I'm still lifting though, so I imagine my body will be changing shape a decent amount at the same time, but that's ok. And maybe the number part will eventually fall off, but for now I haven't quite reached my goal so I want to keep it up. What's my goal you ask? Well, my initial goal was for my stomach not to jiggle when I brush my teeth. That shit STILL happens, so I'll be working on that. As far as a weight goal, I'm thinking 135(ish). So I've got ten to go. Wish me luck!

Last year, around the same time of year I bought a pair of blue pants (size 14). At work, they were deemed my "hot pants." They're a little smurfy and I loved them, a lot. At the same time, my BFF bought the identical pants (yeah, sometimes we match) umm like 5 sizes smaller (size 4). Because Bran is the best, she lent me her littler smurf hot pants so I'd have more wearable to work outfits. This morning when I was getting dressed I found the big'uns and took some pics to compare them to the little'uns. Pretty crazy to think I used to fill, and I mean fucking fill, the big'uns. That must've been a lotta smurf blue.

In other news, I've been insanely sleepy lately. So much so that I started dozing off last night and couldn't finish some work I needed to do. So I got up at 4:45 to do it this morning. I was forced to skip the gym but told myself I'd go after work (which I hate doing). I have to run for 20+ minutes today, we'll see how that goes. Oh and I quit coffee! Why?!?!?! Because my ass was getting addicted to it. I think there was a day I had a total of 4 shots of espresso from Starbucks. Espresso = delicious = doll hairs. Since I don't have extra doll hairs and I don't want to rely on something to perk me up, I'm quittin. I'll still have an occasional iced coffee because, let's be honest, they're tasty as all hell. Now if only I could do the same thing when it came to booze…

Happy hump day!


  1. How the hell did you quit coffee?!? I dont function on normal levels until I've had 2 more, no less! I tried to cut back about 6 months ago and it didn't work...

  2. doll hairs. hahaha. Good luck with -10!
    If I had to pick one, booze would totally win over coffee. Right now I am still drinking both.....

  3. Yeah for smaller smurf pants! Things like that in conjunction with the scale are so motivating!

  4. Holy crap, 10 sizes is awesome!! And the 4s look so good on you!! Who can really give up iced coffee?? It goes hand in hand with summer!

  5. Check you out! I'm over here giving you a standing ovation for your commitment.... your transformation is amazing!

    And GOOOOOOOD LUCK on the 20+minutes!
