Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WIW + F Your Comfort Zone

Happy hump day! So I'm super happy with this past week! I paid close attention to my eating and drinking (by paying close attention I mean promptly refilling my glass with vodka, only ONE night though, lay off me I'm thirsty). Weigh in Wednesday – so I'm down 1.1 pounds this week. Yeah it's not staggering, but it's progress so I'll take it! I may or may not be a little all over the place today – I stayed up stupid late and got up stupid early and I have endless amounts of caffeine coarsing through my sleepy veins. You can deal right? Thought so.
After my husband and I graduated from college he got really into working out. Like, gained 50+ lbs of muscle. I was like hey cool, I wanna gain 50 lbs, and I did. Well, he kept up with the gym all these years and I kept up with nothing. I didn't go to the gym, I didn't exercise, I didn't make healthy choices. Bless his little heart, he would say, "Come to the gym with me!" and I would say, "Maybe next time!" He tried his best to encourage me but it just never really settled in. It was scary and I felt jiggly and gross and it just wasn't something I wanted to do. Come to think of it, there were a lot of things I didn't want to do. My comfort zone was about the size of my couch and my kitchen and the straight line between them.
I'm gonna go ahead and say it, I'm a bit of a pussy at times (get over the p word folks). I'm scared of stuff, I'm afraid to look stupid, and when I was pretty overweight and clumsy that shit was even scarier. Lucky for me, I got matched up with some pretty fearless and excellent people. My husband and my best friend are the type that push me and make me do things I would never do on my own. I've gotten better and I've conquered some silly fears. Like horses. Yes, I used to be horrified of horses. It's not my fault that my friend Courtney's fucking pony, Sugar, chased me when I was in 4th grade and scarred me for the rest of my life. These days all it takes is a little peer pressure and I'm down. Oh you want me to sign up to run a 5k in June when I hate running and have never done one before? Yeah ok, sign me the fuck up. B, remind me to pay for that thing.

It's amazing what a little change in attitude can do. Often times I give my comfort zone the middle finger and think about the regret I might feel afterwards if I don't try something. That's what makes me get up in the morning and go to the gym at 5:30,  that's what makes me go to the gym twice in one day, that's what made me wear a gas mask and go through some confined space training thing and jump off a building once. No big deal.

I never thought I'd be going to the gym 7 days a week and GASP enjoying it! I never thought I would be the one asking my husband if he wanted to come to the gym with ME. Kinda makes me wonder what else we're all capable of if we go ahead and say, "Hey comfort zone, fuck you!"

I may or may not have done that when I started this little blog. I was scared shitless, but it's proving to be a pretty awesome place to express myself, meet people and it's given me a reason to take a shit load of selfies. This past week, my pimp whored me out a bit and sent some new folks my way. I promised I'd do a giveaway when I got to 100 official followers, and I did, so stay tuned! I have something fun in the works! And thanks for reading my shenanigans.
Oh yeah, and here's my outfit of the day in case you don't follow me on instagram.


  1. Love this post!! Once again, you're awesome!! = )

  2. Awesome job on the loss and for telling your comfort zone to F off! Love the outfit girl!

  3. Ok so.....after reading this and the whole, "fuck you comfort zone", I am going to go ahead and order some shorts! I HATE MY LEGS, so this is huge for me. Thank you for posting this!! You are awesome girlie!! :)

    1. Yesssssss! I'll consider today a success :)

    2. I did it!! And....J Crew thanks YOU, for getting me to spend the $$$, on their shorts! ;)

    3. This makes smile a stupid big smile! Can't wait to see em on you! :)

  4. Great post usual :)
    Awesome job on the loss this week! A pound is a pound and we have to be proud of that! Ahh the comfort zone...she's a Bitch!! Good for you for trying something new!! Get it girl!!

  5. Nice weight loss and F'ing your comfort zone in the A can take you places you've never imagined! Keep up the good work!

  6. So glad Mamalaughlin told everyone about you on IG, I've been reading ever since:) I just about spit my water out when I read about the pony chasing you, so awful yet so effing funny!

  7. Way to go Tara! You are definitely an inspiration. Haven't known you long but I'm proud of you.
