Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WIW + Losing Weight Ain't Cheap!

So I feel like a little bit of a cheater for this week's weigh in Wednesday.  I had some kinda stomach something or other that had me feeling like absolute death the past day and a half.  On Monday all I ate was a breakfast sandwich and a PBJ and on Tuesday I had chicken broth, white rice, applesauce and a shit load of gatorade.  So needless to say, my weigh in results are probably a bit skewed.  I'm posting em anyway, but not with all that much pride.  I like it better when the # goes down after I eat and exercise, but whatev.  Oh and thank you to all you nice people that send me get better messages on the ol' instagram!  Made my day!  Oh yeah and so did a little facetime from this handsome man!

So I'm down 2.7 and weighing in at 141.5.  Holy shit that's close to 140.

Ok don't hate me, but I'm getting annoyed at dressing myself.  I want to look nice but I feel like I buy stuff and it's too big after I've worn it a few times.  Do I just look frumpy and wear baggy shit or do I convince my hubs that we need to devote a portion of my paycheck to my cute clothing obsession?  I may or may not have a serious obsession with colored pants.  I've gone through blue, red and yellow…and now I'm in cranberry and coral land.  Do I want every color of the rainbow?  You bet your ass I do.  Do I want to buy a shit load of pants now and not fit into them later?  No way José (that's Joe in Spanish).

Not as much of an issue with the tops and let's be honest, I don't wear dresses.  This pants problem is getting a little annoying though.  I find myself having to wash and dry things even when they aren't dirty so that they'll fit better.  A clothing swap type thing could be cool.  I don't really know how that works though.  And I lose my pants often enough that who the fuck knows if I could find them to actually mail them to you.  Maybe I'm not the best candidate for a clothing swap.  Are a lot of you running into the same problem though?  Also, I'd send you my size 8 jeans from LOFT but I spilled red wine on them while trying to open a bottle with my keys.  Needless to say, I succeeded.

Random, but you may have read this post where I had a few beers and decided to tell my parents about my online shenanigans.  Well, I recently (and soberly thankyouverymuch) grew a pair and decided to tell my brother and soon to be sis-in-law about it.  I'll admit, I was a little nervous…you know that approval that you kind of want but don't always say you want from a sibling?  Yeah, I wanted that.  Lucky for me, they're both pretty cool and were about as encouraging as they could possibly be!  Lots of exclamation points.  Gotta love the ones that support ya!  Also, it helps that Lauren probably takes more selfies than I do and doesn't have a blog.  She's cute though, so you can't blame her.  Hell, let's be honest, they both are.

Shoe update:  Went for a pre-death walk with Chelsea on Monday night, I think it ended up around 2.5 miles.  Still no pain on the shoes!  Wahoo!

Hope you're having a great hump day!  You better be making HHH plans for Friday and they better be Cinco de Mayo themed!  Just sayin!


  1. It's so exciting to keep seeing those numbers go down, I don't care how ya did it! No advice on the clothes issue, maybe make sure to buy them on sale so it won't be as painful on the wallet when they don't fit anywmore..?

  2. I love the colored pants!! I am on a kick right now. I bought cobalt blue jeggings(ha!) and I wish I could wear them everyday.

    I am glad you feel better. I need to find you on instagram. I follow and subscribe to you on keek and you crack me up!

  3. First things first - your brother is a hottie!! His wife is very pretty as well, nice lookin' family! ... Also I wish I had your pants problem, I currently have the opposite where I DON'T want to wash them because I know I will have to do some damn yoga to get that shit to fit right again.... but I will have your problem soon enough, 4:00 am workouts are going great and calorie countin' is back in full action ...

  4. Annnd you painted your toe nails!! Good job! Lol.. I would find a great Alteration place. My work pants are too big for me too; but i have a sewing machine and fortunatly know a little bit about alterations. So Im able to wear the same pants until altering them are not an option. Good luck! Ps...colored pants look super cute on you!

  5. Hey you should try hunting at the thrift store, I know it sounds WT but I LOVE going. Plus no one else will have your item. It happend to me all the time when I shop @ Target my gf will pick up the same item.

  6. The colored striped shirt is adorable! I'm with CeceisMe on the alteration plan. Also--just an idea--dresses and skirts endure with an evolving shape! And it's going to get hot soon! I see you in this:
